Subscription Info/Help
If you have made a subscription your account will be charged each week/fortnight (depending on which you chose), on the same day and at the same time the subscription was first created. Therefore, if you need to make any changes to your subscription, you need to make them before this same day and time each week. Consider it your own personal ‘cut-off’ time. If you miss this and need to change something about your order, please just email us and we can help. Please note: any cancellations/changes requested by email must be sent before the Sunday 5pm cut-off time, otherwise you may not be eligible for a refund.
Skipping a week of your Subscription:
Log in to your account here.
Click on Subscriptions.
Click on the Subscription Number of the Subscription you wish to skip.
Click Skip Next Order on the right hand side.
Your browser will pop up with an “Are you sure?”, click OK.
Your browser will confirm the pause with “Your next order has been skipped” message on screen. The "Next Order" date on the right hand side indicates the next date your account will charge you for an order. You can click skip again if you wish to skip 2 weeks, and again after that for 3 weeks, and so on. If you are going away for a definite period of time, this is the best way to pause your subscription!
Pausing your Subscription:
Log in to your account here.
Click on Subscriptions.
Click on the Subscription Number of the Subscription you wish to pause.
Click Pause on the right hand side.
Your browser will pop up with an “Are you sure?”, click OK.
Your browser will confirm the pause with “Your subscription has been paused” message on screen.
Unpausing your Subscription:
Log in to your account here.
Click on Subscriptions.
Click on the Subscription Number of the Subscription you wish to resume.
Click Resume on the right hand side.
Your browser will pop up with an “Are you sure?”, click OK.
Your browser will confirm the pause with “Your subscription has been resumed” message on screen.
On the right hand side, it will state your Next Order’s charge date. Make sure this date is before the cut-off time of midnight Thursday if you want an order to be included the following week! If it is not, click the Charge Now button, to create an order immediately.
Changing your Subscription Address/Phone Number:
Log in to your account here.
Click on Subscriptions.
Click on the Subscription Number of the Subscription you wish to change the address of.
Scroll down to the address section and click Change.
Edit your address and click Update Address when you are done.
Please note: if your subscription has already made an order for next week, the address for that order will not have been changed, so you will need to email us ASAP to update it manually.
Changing your Subscription Payment method:
Log in to your account here.
Click on Subscriptions.
Click on the Subscription Number of the Subscription you wish to change the payment method of.
Click on the Update button below the Payment Method displayed.
This should take you to where you can enter your card details.
Click Update to return to the Subscription page, where your new details should now be partially displayed.
Changing your Subscription (i.e. different box or delivery day)
You can now edit your subscription yourself!
Log in to your account.
Click on Subscriptions.
Click on the Subscription Number of the Subscription you wish to edit.
Click the Edit button on the right hand side.
Click the pencil/checkbox icon on the right hand side of the item you wish to edit.
From the list that pops up, select the product you want to change it to. Clicking on it will open up the different options (if any) available for that item.
Click Select Product on the option you want - remember to choose the delivery day you want/can have for your location, and to choose gluten free if necessary. If you are just changing your delivery day, find the item you already have and choose the day you want to change to.
If you want to edit the frequency of your subscription, please email us! Unfortunately it is not possible yet on the website.
Please note: if your subscription has already made an order for the following week, and you want it changed to your new box choice, you will need to cancel this as well. See the above section Can I cancel my order? for more info.
Cancelling your Subscription:
Log in to your account.
Click on Subscriptions.
Click on the Subscription Number of the Subscription you wish to cancel.
Click Cancel on the right hand side.
Your browser will pop up with an “Are you sure?”, click OK.
Your browser will confirm the pause with “Your subscription has been cancelled” message on screen.
Please note: if your subscription has already made an order for the following week, you will need to cancel this as well. See the above section "Can I cancel my order?" for more information.
If for any reason you are unsatisfied with our service please let us know and we will see what we can do to improve! We are still a small business and are very open to trying new things and gladly welcome suggestions from all our customers. If you would prefer to give anonymous feedback, head over to our Feedback Form.
If you can no longer purchase from us, please email us so we can get our jars and icepacks back from you to continue reusing them!