Happy New Year! Orders are now open for 2025. New order cut-off time is 48 hours before your delivery day!

Safety + Delivery Zone Expansion + Saving Local Business + Updated Subscriptions

Kia Ora Yum Jar Friends & Whanau,

We hope you are all looking after yourselves and each other during these uncertain times. Aroha to all!

Firstly, I want to assure you I am keeping our kitchen and hygiene processes as clean and safe possible, in line with recommendations from the Ministry of Health and the Restaurant Association of NZ. 

As many of you will know, Yum Jar is owned and operated solely by myself, Ottilie (hi!). While Yum Jars are prepared in a spacious shared commercial kitchen, the space is large, the appliances and equipment we use is just ours, and there are only 2-3 of us there at any time. We are all registered food businesses, and have approved health and safety procedures already in place. I am sterilising our jars as soon as they get back to our kitchen, and once again before they are filled, and all produce is thoroughly washed upon arrival at the kitchen. Our produce is sourced as locally as possible, and we only buy produce from overseas when absolutely necessary (i.e. shortage, or not grown here at all).

I am self isolating as much as possible, apart from work, deliveries, and buying goods, and I am taking care to use hand sanitiser in-between deliveries, and washing my hands as often as possible. The Yum Jar vehicle is also only used for Yum Jar deliveries and grocery shops.

I hope this puts your mind at rest about where your food comes from when you order from us.

Delivery Zones Expanding

Due to the large number of people working from home, I've decided to expand our delivery zones temporarily. This means if you live anywhere in the areas below you may now order from us! Yay! However, we can only be in one place at a time, and this may mean your order will be later than 1pm. Most of our food can be easily reheated though, and we will keep it at a safe temperature until it is delivered, so there is no risk of the food being unsafe for consumption.

Here are the new maps; zones within the blue dotted line can be delivered by 1pm, those within the red lines but outside the blue will be delivered after 1pm.


 Local Small Businesses Teaming Up

In times of crisis we have to stick together, and that's just Wellington's small businesses in hospitality are doing. I've been in touch with a number of small, local/independent cafes and restaurants to see what we can do to help each other stay in business, and help you keep supporting local business! Members of our group so far include: Lashings, WIlli's Kitchen, Sweet Release, Soul Shack, Boquita/La Boca Loca, and more are being added as we go.

We hope to help each other by pooling our vehicles and resources, and coordinating delivery runs, so you can still get the treats you deserve in these emotionally draining times, and we all still get the business!

Why not just use Ubereats? Ever wonder why not all your fave small eateries are on delivery websites such as Ubereats and Delivereasy? Basically, it's because the cost for the company to use these services often takes away any small profit they would make on their sales. So while using the service can help one get their food/drink customers, the sales don't really make any money for the business to grow and pay for the ongoing costs incurred from, well, existing. From a small business perspective, they're more of a marketing platform for visibility than a viable, affordable delivery solution, and relying solely on them, as is the case at the moment, is just not going to pay the rent :(

So stay tuned as we develop a plan amongst ourselves to stay strong and support eachother! I will post any news we have about this project on our facebook and instagram social media pages if it happens before next Friday.

Lastly, I've updated the subscription products to be easier to order, and you can now order 3, 4 and 5 day/week subscriptions for just 1 week! So if you want to casually buy a few jars a week, but don't like to over-commit, we've got your back. I've also added new drop down menus so you choose your days before you purchase. This both reminds you to choose, and makes it easier on our end. You can still change your days each week by emailing us. 

For now, stay safe, look out for each other, keep calm, and carry on (ordering Yum Jar!) 

Nga Mihi,

Ottilie @ Yum Jar HQ