Happy New Year! Orders are now open for 2025. New order cut-off time is 48 hours before your delivery day!

Help us Expand Yum Jar!

We want to reach more Wellingtonians (and Petonians, Poriruanians, and more..) and help everyone get our All Taste Zero Waste lunch deliveries! 

To do this though we need YOUR help!

We've set up a Pledgeme Campaign to raise $10k to grow our business, this includes expanding our kitchen to cater to capacity, buying bigger, better equipment, changing to Mevo electric cars for our outer suburb delvieries, expanding our delivery area, and taking on new staff! These things we would love to do right away but unfortunately we don't have the capital to take the steps to get us there. That's where YOU can help! 

There are some awesome rewards up for grabs for Pledgers, such as a Yum Jar raffle, cute Yum Jar Pin Badges, VIP Party Tickets, business advertising, and even a couple of exclusive Tattoo Vouchers from Dr Morse! 

Head over to http://pldg.me/yumjar to pledge now and help us help YOU to reduce your carbon footprint, simply by buying lunch! 

Thanks heaps for your support, we couldn't be where we are without it.

Ottilie Smith

- Yum Jar Owner/Chef/Delivery Driver/Admin Staff/Dishie/Cleaner, etc.