Happy New Year! Orders are now open for 2025. New order cut-off time is 48 hours before your delivery day!

COVID-19 Safety, Weekly Photo Competition!

COVID-19 level 2 Update
We were so gutted to hear the news about lockdown this week, as I'm sure you all were. However we can continue to operate during level 2 safely, with some precautions. AND since we have changed our business model to provide food boxes instead of lunches, if the lockdown shifts to level 3 at any point we WILL be able to continue to deliver you orders! 
Extra precautions we are currently taking are:
- heightened hygiene practices in our kitchen
- wearing a mask, and regular hand sanitising during pickup/deliveries
- contactless deliveries and pickups 
- recording everywhere we go in the COVID-19 tracer app (which we highly recommend downloading and using, it's free and very simple to use)

NEW: Foodie photo of the week prize!

Got an eye for food photography or just proud of your cooking skills? Send pics of your Zero Waste Pantry meals to yumjarnz@gmail.com, or tag us in posts on Instagram @zerowastepantrynz or Facebook: @Yum Jar NZ and we will gladly share them with our followers! Each week we will choose our fave submission and they will get a 10% discount for their next order, so get snapping!
Here's a pic we took this week of our Sweet Chilli Stirfry Noodles:

The micro-herb containers are reusable!
While the micro-herbs we get are in eco-friendly, compostable containers, ultimately there are reusable! They can't go through the dishwasher or they will deform, but if you return them to us we will wash them by hand, and return them to Matt at Our Terroir so he can reuse them. If you want to keep the plants for longer than a week, no problem - just return when you're finished with them.

As always any questions, comments or feedback are always welcome in our inbox! 

Have a great weekend everyone, and stay safe.


Yum Jar HQ