Happy New Year! Orders are now open for 2025. New order cut-off time is 48 hours before your delivery day!

Closed until Level 3

Kia Ora everyone,

Unfortunately we are going to have to cancel our week this week as we believe it's unsafe for our staff to be out delivering around the city, and recollecting jars is too risky. We do rely on the recollection of our jars to be able to fulfil orders, so without this being an option this week, and based on the uncertainty of lockdown being in place potentially for the rest of the week, we have made the decision to stay home until at least next week, when we will hopefully be able to be moved to level 3. 
What this means for you:
Today I will be cancelling and refunding all orders made this week. If you would prefer to not receive a refund please let us know before midday today. You will receive a confirmation of the refund as soon as I action it - if you have not received a confirmation of the refund by tomorrow morning please check your spam folder, and let me know ASAP.

Cancelling all Subscriptions:
To prevent further orders being made and needing to be refunded I will be cancelling all subscriptions. We are also going to take this week to look at what we can do to streamline our system which will mean editing the products and that would disrupt subscriptions anyway. So when we do reopen you will need to begin a new subscription if you would like to do so.

Future ordering:
We will *fingers crossed* be reopening next week if we change to level 3, but I am going to keep ordering closed until we know if lockdown is being extended, and when I have had a chat with the team to see how they are doing. Hopefully in future we will all be vaccinated (I have had my first vaccination already) and the team will be able to operate a lot more safely if we do have this happen again.

We know this is a hard time for everyone and we sincerely apologise for cancelling. I will be sharing some of our recipes on Instagram and Facebook this week so check out those pages in the coming days for some foodie inspiration.
If you have any queries please feel free to email me in reply to this email.
Stay safe, sign in, wear a mask, and look out for one another!

Ottilie & the Yum Jar Team